Ravenna is, at first glance, very similar to other Italian towns. There are the houses in every shade of yellow from cream to orange. There are the leaning towers and the churches with scroll-top facades. There are the narrow cobblestone streets, the random gates where walls used to be, the statue of Garibaldi, the stone……
TIL that English does have a word for intelligentsia invented by Coleridge in 1830. He got it from from Klerisei, a German word for clergy, but specifically meant this class of people to be a secular one.
In Bologna’s Civic Art Museums I saw a painting by Pelagio Palagi showing Leonidas II sending Cleombrotus (also II as it turned out) into exile. And there’s nothing I like as much as a classical subject I haven’t heard about. Turns out Cleombrotus was a son-in-law of Leonidas, king of Sparta. As Sparta has two……
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