Another wonderful day
Yes, the world is burning and we’re about to enter WWIII. That said, I have enough money to not work for a year without touching my 401K, the weather is perfect, kids are lovely, I have at least two interesting undone crafting projects, my craft table is finally complete (because I also have an amazing……
Yamanoue No Okura
When I eat melonsMy children come to my mind;When I eat chestnutsThe longing is even worse.Where do they come from,Flickering before my eyes,Making me helplessEndlessly night after night.Not letting me sleep in peace? Japan, 660ish-733ish, spent a lot of his time on missions to China, governed provinces, tutored a prince. Wrote poems.
https://news.mit.edu/2023/how-blue-and-green-appeared-language-1102 Learning a new language with a different color naming scheme affects the way people view colors. Brb, must check whether Duolingo offers OtjiHimba.
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