Cool things about color I learned today: This is a good place to put my favorite links about color:
Bea Wolf by Weinersmith/Boulet
Absolutely perfect children’s book. Everything from the size to the dust jacket and paper quality to the illustrations is harmoniously chosen, well-crafted, and worthy of the text. The illustrations are amazing in themselves. It is weird as it is to read a Weinersmith book that does not look like https://www.smbc-comics.com/. And they also don’t look……
Ryan North, How to Take Over the World: Practical Schemes and Scientific Solutions for the Aspiring Supervillain
Really good popular science book – clearly written, detailed, with fun illustrations. Guessing that 50% or more of the information will soon be outdated, but the remainder is enough to make it re-readable. On my personal rating scale of: “Avoid everyone who likes anything this person wrote” to “Reread whenever I need a pick-me-up” this……
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