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  • Aftel Archive of Curious Scent

    This weekend I’m doing almost nothing (by accident!), but last weekend I did two awesome and extremely overloading things. This is the first – I went to Aftel Archive of Curious Scent, a scent museum in Berkeley. It’s an outpouring of Mandy Aftel’s personal collection gathered over decades of making perfumes. She didn’t start out……

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  • Cornelia, mother of the Cracchi

    TIL that Cornelia is seen by the state of Ohio as Ohio’s personification. I find it adorable, but can’t quite explain why. In any case, it makes me like Ohio more. The statue refers to her saying that her children are her jewels when asked why she doesn’t dress as nice as the other rich……

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  • Robert Rendall

    His poems are hard to find online, and I’m not up to paying for a book to be shipped from UK (yet), but here are a couple to remember meanwhile. CRAGSMAN’S WIDOW He was aye vaigan b’ the shore, An’ climman round the craigs, Swappan among the auks, Or taakan whitemaa aiggs. It’s six year……

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