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  • Rewards of being social

    As part of my attempt to interact with people I friended a person on DW solely based on their poetry taste and was rewarded with Edwin Muir’s The Horses. Barely a twelvemonth afterThe seven days war that put the world to sleep,Late in the evening the strange horses came.By then we had made our covenant……

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  • Links post

    Trying out a new thing where instead of forwarding links for later I just put them all in one long post 🙂 The comments are the best part – famous poems as limericks Really cool dolls Ancient Somali/Ethiopian religion Eebe Waaq & Waaqeffana Interesting conversation on a Somali forum as a consequence to recent elections……

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  • Letters From A Bright Place Near The Water

    By Iona Datt Sharma i. you can’t come in What are you like, love? What do you do? Only child. Bitterly, poet. Job, boyfriend. We ask, y’see, so we can chat to him while we’re cleaning him up in his room. You can write him letters. The days here are getting longer. You are……

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