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  • Risk

    I know myself to be both weak and tasty – hence lair. Well-hid, thick-walled, rock-roofed. It is my pride. I found it, dug it deeper, built it stronger. …. So few have lairs. I venture out at need To feast on those who don’t. …. And then there’s you. I recklessly rush out to meet……

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  • Fan Fiction

    TIL that Naomi Novik (most of whose books I love and who is on my “check everything they write” list, which is just one down from “pre-order everything they write” list) has a whole bunch (509 works!) of fan fiction out on which she apparently co-founded. I’ll be in my bunk.

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  • Puttees

    TIL that in English puttee comes from the Hindi paṭṭī meaning bandage or long strip of cloth. Портянка, of course, comes from ” пъртъ” meaning “a strip of cloth”. Want to bet there’s the same proto-Indo-European word hiding in there somewhere for both? Despite the fact that they look exactly the same, puttees are worn differently……

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