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  • How to say “Hello” – TIL

    That Massai say hello by asking “How are the kids?” , Kasserian Ingera, and the appropriate response is “The kids are fine”. This comes to you courtesy of our school district superintendent, and all other references also seem to be from US educational circles, which means this may be an urban legend, but if so……

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  • Mission Bay

    One of my favorite neighborhoods in SF – clean, futuristic, walkable, and full of tasty things. This is a futureform called Orbital that expresses optimism about the future with diversity, equality, and inclusion. Its makers also describe it as a contemporary folly. I don’t think they thought through the more cynical ways one can interpret……

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  • Tudors

    Took the kids to see The Tudors today. My mental images of Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, and Edward VI are based on a very limited number of portraits, and every single one of those portraits was there, as was pretty much every other artwork I would name if anyone asked me to make a list……

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