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  • Venice

    This is Venice Alley from Cool Catz Craft, but I decided not to follow directions. It reminds me of my favorite day in Venice, June 7 of 2002. I delayed at St. Mark’s Square to see what the pigeons would do when it got covered with water. Turns out the pigeons, unlike myself, can fly……

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  • Цокотуха

    TIL that цокотуха is an actual word in Ukrainian. As in Shevchenko, “Бодай же вас, цокотухи, та злидні побили”. From the text it means something like “prattlers”.

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  • LOTR

    Finished watching the extended version with the kids today. Together it’s an even better experience. Can’t wait for the new movies (Rise of the Rohirrim in 2024 + whatever unspecified things they’re keeping Peter Jackson updated on “every step of the way”) to come out.

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