
TIL that in English puttee comes from the Hindi paṭṭī meaning bandage or long strip of cloth. Портянка, of course, comes from ” пъртъ” meaning “a strip of cloth”. Want to bet there’s the same proto-Indo-European word hiding in there somewhere for both?

Despite the fact that they look exactly the same, puttees are worn differently than портянки, and are more properly translated as онучи or обмотки.


TIL that English does have the word сизый and it’s glaucous (Google translate thinks it’s gray. Google translate is wrong.) There is no practical use for this.


TIL that English does have a word for intelligentsia invented by Coleridge in 1830. He got it from from Klerisei, a German word for clergy, but specifically meant this class of people to be a secular one. 


TIL that цокотуха is an actual word in Ukrainian. As in Shevchenko, “Бодай же вас, цокотухи, та злидні побили”. From the text it means something like “prattlers”.